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  5. Beveled Green 'Glass Look' Risers

Beveled Green ‘Glass Look’ Risers

These risers are made of a special light green-tinted acrylic that gives them the appearance of thick glass. All sizes are 1/4”-thick acrylic with polished, beveled edges.
green riser set

GR4444 Original price was: $12.74.Current price is: $8.49.
GR5555 Original price was: $19.12.Current price is: $12.74.
GR6666 Original price was: $23.21.Current price is: $15.48.
GR7777 Original price was: $30.16.Current price is: $20.10.
GR8888 Original price was: $34.68.Current price is: $23.13.
GR9999 Original price was: $43.88.Current price is: $29.25.
GR10101010 Original price was: $55.22.Current price is: $36.80.